Creation of Global Carbon Check : The need for action

Global Carbon Check (GCACH) is working towards establishing and promoting sustainable development and reducing carbon emissions through best practices in collaboration with civil society, government, and businesses. The world is facing an unprecedented challenge of climate change, and to address this issue, the need for collective action is greater than ever. Established in 2021, GCACH is the private voluntary carbon registry that also incubates sustainability efforts by micro and small-scale projects, contributing to sustainable development.


Actions are focused to solve gaps

The carbon market is a critical tool for promoting emissions reductions and driving sustainable development. However, the market is facing several challenges delivered by World Bank, International Finance Corporation (IFC), and other organisations involved in carbon markets and sustainable development which are addressed by Global Carbon Check to ensure its effectiveness and credibility. 


Diverse Standard for diverse methodologies

One of the key issues facing the carbon market is the lack of a standardised framework for capturing dynamic approaches across different scopes is a significant challenge facing the carbon market. Which leads to suitable methodologies for capturing dynamic practices in socially diverse countries or regions. For example, according to the World Bank, agriculture is responsible for 25% of global greenhouse gas emissions. However, current carbon market methodologies do not adequately capture the full range of agricultural practices that can reduce emissions, such as conservation agriculture and agroforestry. This is particularly problematic for developing countries like Africa and India, where farming practices can vary significantly from region to region.


Financial Barrier

In addition, the cost of carbon project registration can be a significant barrier for small businesses and organisations. The average cost of registering a carbon offset project includes costs associated with developing a project design, conducting baseline and monitoring studies, and undergoing third-party verification. This high cost can be particularly challenging for developing countries, where support services and infrastructure may be limited.


Transparency Challenge

Another significant challenge facing the carbon market is the issue of transparency and credibility. There have been several high-profile cases of carbon offset projects failing to deliver the promised emissions reductions. In addition, the lack of transparency in the carbon market, particularly around the methodologies used to calculate emissions reductions, has been a cause for concern. 


Global Carbon Check is Changing the game


Standard and Methodology

Dynamic methodologies for carbon credit registries refer to methodologies that are flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances and contexts. This is particularly important in the AFOLU sector, where land practices and environmental conditions can vary widely across regions and over time. Global Carbon Check develops effective carbon credit methodologies with careful balance between scientific rigour, flexibility, and practicality, and ongoing research and consultation with stakeholders in the relevant sectors. Global Carbon Check focuses on keys like Additionality, Measurement, Verifiability and Permanence to possess dynamicness in methodology.



Technology plays a pivotal role at Global Carbon Check , particularly in ensuring that projects are accurately monitored, verified, and reported. Here are the ways GCACH encapsulated the technology carbon credit projects.


Accurate measurement and verification : To accurately measure and verify carbon emissions reductions from different activities such as afforestation, reforestation, sustainable agriculture practices, and more.

Transparency and trust : Technology are been used to deliver the risk and impact of the project.

Streamlining registration and listing : It can reduce the time and cost required to register and list carbon credit projects, making it easier for project developers and VVB.

Standardisation and scalability : Technology can help standardise methodologies and create a scalable platform for carbon credit projects, which can help increase the number of projects that can be registered and listed.

At Global Carbon Check, we leverage a range of technologies to ensure the accuracy, transparency, and scalability of our carbon credit projects. Setting and achieving new levels for Transparency, affordability, Technological innovation, and Sustainable development outcomes sets Global Carbon Check apart from the others.