Global Carbon Check redefining the Urban Forestry with methodology UFCP1404

Today, Global Carbon Check is redefining climate action and sustainable development by steering national perspectives toward robust local sustainability plans. The UFCP, designed as a national-scale regional initiative, tailors each methodology to the unique dynamics of urban and city areas specific to each nation or geographical regional zones.


In the face of declining canopy cover in many urban areas, falling below per capita requirements and neglecting best practices compliance, UFCP1404 emerges as a transformative method. It not only aims to enhance canopy cover and align with action plans but also serves as a revolutionary mechanism for generating funding for local governments and self-governing entities.


What's New ?

UFCP1404 goes beyond focusing on SDGs; it also incorporates best practices guided by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization for urban forestry. This approach enhances the development of public spaces, transforming them from mere areas into meaningful places. This has a profound impact, extending beyond the scope of SDGs.

A sampling tool, TOOL0001, has been developed to navigate the complexities of urban spaces for project sampling within specified boundaries.

The replacement of invasive or alien species with native species is a key consideration.



The core aim of the methodology is to enhance canopy cover and support local governments, self-governance, and private entities in adhering to WHO best practices for canopy cover in urban areas. The demonstration underscores instances where cities or urban areas fall short of WHO best practices or URDPI guidelines, showcasing a continuous decrease in canopy cover.



A census-based approach has been adopted, focusing on each individual tree for sampling in GHG removal quantification outcomes. The methodology addresses the complexities associated with quantifying urban areas. Data collection to quantification approaches is outlined in TOOL0001, supported by an accompanying Excel file.


What's next ?

Global Carbon Check is actively engaged in the development of a digital monitoring tool for the Urban Forest Credit Program. This tool is designed to enhance transparency, credibility, and, most importantly, the timely efficiency of on-ground sampling and quantification processes.