Global Carbon Check Launches Energy and Technology Credit Program (ETCP) Development

Global Carbon Check is excited to introduce the Energy and Technology Credit Program (ETCP), operating within the sectors of energy, CO2 capture, green fuel, and technology-based emission reduction. This innovative program aims to unleash the potential for a sustainable energy transition and address the needs of emission reduction through technological efforts.


Initial Intervention of  Energy and Technology Credit Program

  • Categorization: Methodology sectoral scope will be categorised based upon -

    • Energy Generation

    • Energy Supply

    • Energy Consumption

    • Co2 Capture

    • Waste to Energy 

    • Greener Fuel

    • Other Emission Mitigation Technologies

  • Verified Methodology Development: Actively working on crafting a verified methodology for grid-connected electricity sourced from renewable sources.

  • Impact Focus: Aligning with the financial, technology barriers and various national goals globally by nations, allowing Global Carbon Check towards development of Energy and Technology Credit Program.


Get Involved

Ensuring the Energy and Technology Credit Program's practicality and credibility hinges on active stakeholder engagement. Our initial exploration of how Global Carbon Check's carbon accounting expertise can boost climate action serves as the foundation. Stakeholders will have ongoing opportunities to participate and contribute during the entire development process.

  • Stakeholder Program Development Committee: Comprising approximately 9 members, this committee will influence the program's strategic direction and technical design, welcoming ideas, methodology updates, and feedback.

  • Participation in Pilot Programs: Selection of up to 3 pilot projects for initial quantification methodology and technology testing.

  • Consultative Webinars: Regular webinars hosted by the GCACH Energy and Technology Credit Program Development Team to provide updates and gather feedback.


To be part of Stakeholder Program Devlopment Committe or if you have any questions please reach out at (