Official Launch of the Urban Forest Credit Program (UFCP)

Global Carbon Check is  thrilled to announce a significant milestone in our mission to advance climate action and sustainable development. Today, Global Carbon Check achieved a groundbreaking accomplishment with the launch of the Urban Forest Credit Program (UFCP). This program is initially launched at a national scale for India, allowing to incorporate urban plantation and preservation activities into the voluntary carbon market. This initiative embodies our unwavering commitment to combat climate change and promote sustainable urban development.


Introducing the UFCP Program

The Urban Forest Credit Program (UFCP) is a pioneering endeavor aimed at creating a more inclusive approach to meet national climate goals. By integrating the voluntary carbon market and collaborating with various stakeholders, we are driving climate action on a national scale. This initiative is the product of collective efforts and partnerships, exemplifying the power of collaboration in achieving sustainability.


UFCP 1404 Methodology - Urban Tree Plantation Methodology for India

At Global Carbon Check, we are dedicated to making a direct impact on India's urban landscape. Currently, we are in the process of developing the UFCP 1404 Methodology, specifically designed for Urban Tree Plantation in India. This methodology, currently under development, is designed to ensure the effective implementation of urban forestation practices to mitigate climate change and improve urban living conditions.


What's Next?

We invite you to stay updated on our progress and future plans:

Publication of UFCP Program Specifics : We have released the UFCP Program's Specific Description in its initial phase.

Draft Methodology Release : By the end of November 2023, Global Carbon Check will publish the draft UFCP 1404 methodology to the Stakeholder Program Development Committee. This release is a crucial step towards realizing our mission and setting the stage for further engagement and collaboration.

Public Launch : Global Carbon Check plans to launch the UFCP program to the public in December 2023.


Global Carbon Check welcomes input and requests to join the Stakeholder Program Development Committee and any supplementary information. Please submit any requests or information to